Software by F. James Rohlf
Freely distributed software:
Morphometric software distributed via the Stony
Brook Morphometrics www site.Compatible with Windows XP to 10 and Windows emulators on Macs and Lynix.
tpsBias: Explore bias
and error in estimating average shape.
tpsDig: Digitize coordinates
of landmarks and capture outlines.
tpsPLS: Study covariation
between a shape and a set of variables or between two shapes.
tpsPower: Estimates statistical
power for testing difference between two mean shapes..
tpsRelw: Relative warps
tpsRegr: Multivariate
regression of shape onto one or more independent variables.
tpsSmall: Test whether
shape variation is small enough so that tangent space approximations can be
used (almost always true)..
tpsSplin: Computes thin-plate
tpsSuper: GLS superimposition,
image unwarping and image averaging.
tpsSurfPlot: Utility
to show results of tpsPower and tpsBias as surface plots (but just for triangles).
tpsTree: Fit shapes to
a hierarchical tree.
tpsTri: Explore statistics
of shape for triangles.
tpsUtil: Utility program
useful when working with tps files..
Commercially available software:
BIOMstat ver 4.0. For
Windows 7 to 10 both 32 and 64 bit.
- A basic statistical package designed to be used with the fourth edition of
the text Biometry by Sokal and Rohlf. Available from Applied Biostatistics
NTSYSpc ver. 2.2. For
Windows 7 to 10 both 32 and 64 bit.
- Multivariate data analysis package of programs available from Applied Biostatistics.
Problems with this software? Please let me know by
September 18, 2018